Thoughts on Restoring a Morgan
Decimal to Fractions

©By: John T. Blair (WA4OHZ)
dot_clear 1133 Chatmoss Dr., Va. Beach, Va. 23464; (757) 495-8229

Last updated: June 13, 2009 - reformatted page

The following is a chart of fraction to decimal equivalents.

My dad has a micrometer that he used as an apprentice tool and die maker from his first job out of high school some 60 years ago. I really like that mic, especially because it has a fraction to decimal conversion chart eched into the head (the "C") of it. Unfortunately, my mic doesn't have this nice feature. So when using the mic, I'm always looking a chart or calculator, which I can never find. So, I wrote up this chart.

Hint: My micrometer came in a nice wooden case, so to ensure I always had a chart available, I printed it out and reduced it on a photocopy machine. Then to keep it from getting torn or soiled, I laminated it to the wooden case with clear shelf paper. Now I always a conversion chart with my mic and thread pitch guage!

    8ths                   32nds                     64ths
 1  - .125               1  - .03125              1 - .015625
 2  - .25                3  - .09375              3 - .046875
 3  - .375               5  - .15625              5 - .078125
 4  - .500               7  - .21875              7 - .109375
 5  - .625               9  - .28125              9 - .140625
 6  - .750               11 - 34375              11 - .171875
 7  - .875               13 - 40625              13 - .203125
                         15 - .46875             15 - .234375
    16ths                17 - .53125             17 - .265625
 1  - .0625              19 - .59375             19 - .296875
 3  - .1875              21 - .65625             21 - .328125
 5  - .3125              23 - .71875             23 - .359375
 7  - .4375              25 - .78125             25 - .390625
 9  - .5625              27 - .84375             27 - .421875
11  - .6875              29 - .90625             29 - .453125
13  - .8125              31 - .96875             31 - .484375
15  - .9375                                      33 - .515625
                                                 35 - .546875
                                                 37 - .578125
                                                 39 - .609375
                                                 41 - .640625
                                                 43 - .671875
                                                 45 - .703125
                                                 47 - .734375
                                                 49 - .765625
                                                 51 - .796875
                                                 53 - .828125
                                                 55 - .859375
                                                 57 - .890625
                                                 59 - .921875
                                                 61 - .953125
                                                 63 - .984375

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